Media art and its forms
Modern society is closely related to the concept of “new media. The most succinct definition was offered by Professor Russell Neumann: “New media are a new format of media existence, permanently accessible on digital devices and involving the active participation of users in the creation and distribution of content”. Every year new media are actively introduced in different spheres and their special importance is traced in the arts. Due to the development of modern technologies and the general penetration of the digital world in everyday life, the concept of “media art” was born as a type of art, works of which are created and presented with the help of modern information and communication or media technologies. This trend encompasses various forms of contemporary art that are created with the help of new technologies, and functions very differently from its predecessors. At the same time, it should be noted that media art, depending on the form of presentation, can be referred to as “new media art”, “electronic art” and “digital art”.
Today, contemporary art through new media implies a direct interaction between an artist and the audience, which gives each viewer an opportunity not only to learn what meaning and what feelings are behind this or that art object, but also allows them to immerse themselves and feel it as much as possible through various innovative technologies. With their help, art stores, displays and reads information in different ways and for different audiences. At the same time, it follows new developments, constantly improving and changing.
In this direction, all kinds of technologies are used to convey information more clearly: projectors, lasers, sounds, motion sensors, etc. With a variety of methods of presenting information, we can distinguish such genres of media art as: installations and media performances, net-art and web art, computer games and ASCII-graphics, virtual and augmented reality technologies, 3D-printing and digital images and much more.
Representatives of media art
Representatives of media art – “media artists” – perform an important social function – they “animate” art, closely link the created work with the viewer, even if the work exists only in digital space and cannot be touched or seen in person. Due to the creation and use of interactive reality and new technologies in art objects, the demand and interest of viewers to the object of attention increases. The authors of the works of this direction began to use a variety of opportunities to cover all the sensory of the viewer in order to enable him to better feel the idea, to stand in the place of the creator and find points of contact of views and experiences. From this we can notice a certain manipulative power of media art, because it is able to attract viewers and actively influence them.
Thus, thanks to the development of the modern world, technology, and new media, media art is actively developing and penetrating into our lives. In the future, it will continue to strengthen its position in the world and discover unique objects of art to attract even more viewers.